Never sure what thing would make him mad
Now I feel as though a cage is my home
And my heart isn't always glad.
Sure, I'm happy to be home, secure.
I'm thankful for a place that's safe.
Still, why can't I decide what I need for me?
Why must I feel my feelings are a disgrace?
I need independence to decide on my own
What things are right for me to do.
I need the freedom to fly when I need to fly,
Not sit in my cage and coo.
I'm tired of following rules and regulations
I'm tired of being the good one, the best.
I'm tired of coloring in the lines,
I want to fly higher than all the rest.
I want to touch the clouds with my wings.
I want to soar with the eagles on high,
Not sit on my perch in this blasted old cage
Perpetually wondering why.
Why can't I go to the casino?
Why can't I do things by myself?
Sometimes when I say what I'd like to do
It seems like you are just deaf.
Yes, I know that we're married,
And I love you as I love no other.
But sometimes your love leaves me feeling
More than a little bit smothered.
I feel as if you treat me
Like you're scared that I'll go wild
If you let me do what I want to do --
You treat me like a child!
I know that you want what is best for me
And you're worried that I'll spend our money.
But what about my sanity?
Doesn't that matter too, honey?
I've been working so hard at work,
And it's been a hard couple of days.
I really need to get away
And have some fun in some way.
I'll be careful, I promise.
And responsible too.
I know what's at stake,
I won't disappoint you.
But I need to get away
From work and this house
Just for a little while.
I need to remind myself once again
Of the things besides you
That make me smile.
I wouldn't necessarily say that you're controlling,
But you definitely have a certain way
Of talking me into staying when I wanted to go
And not knowing what I should say.
It's not really like a guilt trip per se,
But I suppose that's what you could call it
And each and every freaking time,
I'm the one who falls for it.
So then I'm left with this slightly resentful feeling
That I don't like, left in my heart,
Wishing it would go away,
But it won't, it just tears me apart.