Thursday, January 5, 2012

An Army of Many, But One (sonnet)

The war's been over for many years now,
And most of the troops have long since gone home.
A few soldiers still remain, though, somehow,
And continue to battle on their own.
I don't remember when the first draft was,
Or just exactly why it was needed.
I thought the cadets all went home because
The last of the foes had been defeated. 
But apparently the news never reached
The deepest part of my fragmented soul.
Some must have missed the sermons that I preached.
It may take some time until I am whole.
The war's over, but the work's just begun.
I am an army of many, but one.


  1. Dear blogger, the war is not over. Many troops are stationed in Afghanistan....and for those who have returned....ptsd tells them every day of their battles....forever. I have been a soldier's angel for 8years. I am a lot of things....I am glad I read your blog. I am a survivor of domestic violence....with a blog of my own. My heart goes out to you. Everyday of my life is ex keeps me in court for a ptsd reminds me that the worst battles are over. No more physical beatings now....he just kills me with motion practice. Stay strong.

  2. When I said "the war is over," I didn't mean literally. I was speaking of the fact that I've left my ex-husband and am not facing the same abuse from him at the present time. I can relate to your statement that "every day of my life is war" because I too feel this way. My ex is still fighting me in court as well as manipulating me via our children. Hang in there!


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