Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Secrets to a Happy Life

Recently, someone asked me some very difficult questions, such as:

"What is the secret to being happy? What is the meaning of life? What is my purpose in living -- why am I even here? Why do bad things keep happening to me, even though I'm a good person? Who can I trust to be there for me when I need them? I feel like my life is a total waste of time. How can I possibly make a difference in the world when I'm only one person?"

To TRY to answer some of these most challenging questions, I read to him from the words of a man named Paul. He wrote these words while he was in jail. What was his crime, you ask? He was put into prison for teaching people the good news about a way to live forever ... a way that evil could be permanently overcome & destroyed.

(A quick side note: Now, whether or not you choose to believe in God is a very personal thing. I have gone through times in my life when I did NOT believe in God because I saw so much suffering and evil around me and I could not understand how ANY sort of God would permit these things to continue -- some of the evil was even being done by people who CLAIMED to be followers of God. Right now, I think I am in a balanced place where I am certain that there IS a Great Creator.  Also, there is much evidence in nature that points to intelligent design as the origin of all things. The universe did not come into being accidentally. Whether you believe that the Jesus Christ talked about in the Bible is the Messiah, the Son of God -- that is something between you and your Creator.)

These guidelines for living a happy and fulfilled life that I shared with my friend are good and true, regardless of what you believe or don't believe.


Guidelines for a happy life.

1. Always be joyful. Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Joy is an internal state of thanksgiving & contentment in which you learn to find pleasure in life, even despite difficult circumstances.

2. Use moderation in all things. Too much of even a good thing is not a good idea. Learn to find balance in your life.

3. Don't worry excessively about anything. You cannot change anything by worrying about it.

4. Be honest. Don't tell lies. Don't steal. Don't take advantage of weaker people.  Search for the truth, and never stop seeking wisdom.

5. Be just and fair. Do not treat one person better than another. Do not harbor hate or prejudice in your heart.

6. Be sexually pure. Do not have sex with anyone or any thing other than your husband or wife. Marriage  consists of a monogamous relationship between one man and one woman.  Do not look at pornography. Do not look at others and wish you could have sex with them. Do not force any other person to have sex with you or to perform any sexual act that they don't want to do -- not even your husband or wife. That is sexual assault and/or rape, and it is horribly wrong.

7. Take time to appreciate beauty -- whether it be something like a beautiful painting,  a well-crafted sculpture, a lovely musical composition, or an architectural masterpiece ... or whether it be something in nature -- like a running horse or deer, a majestic mountain, or a delicate flower. Don't work so hard that you have no time for rest. Take time to relax, pray, meditate, etc. on a regular basis. Spend time alone with God in nature, away from the noise of civilization.

8. Work diligently to live your life in such a way you have a good reputation -- even your "enemies" should have a certain amount of respect for you. Live honorably and deal fairly. Be just, but show mercy & be willing to forgive others as God forgives us when we truly turn away from our evil ways.

9. Learn to be content with what you have and with being where you are. Don't be greedy and always longing for more material possessions. Having more "things" will never bring you joy. Money cannot buy love or happiness. If you cannot be content with what you have & where you are, you will never be happy with any amount of money or possessions in any other place.

10. Be confident in who you are and in what you believe.  Don't change your mind with every fad or fashion that comes along simply to fit in or be popular.  Always do the right thing, even if it is unpopular. Don't be afraid to stand alone in doing what is right. There may be others watching who are waiting for someone else to be the first one to stand up for what is right. If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything! Always be ready to defend what you believe in!

11. Respect those who are older and have more life experience than you do. Take time to talk with the elderly and learn from them. You may save yourself a great deal of pain if you listen to the wisdom in their advice.

12. Don't believe everything you see, hear, read, et cetera.  Investigate & experience things for yourself to be certain they are true. Ask logical questions. Require logical answers.


These principles are based on my life experiences as well as what Paul said in the Bible in his letter to the ancient church in Philippi: (Philippians 4:4-13)

"Always be full of joy in the LORD. I say it again—rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the LORD is near. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.  Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you. How I praise the LORD that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned for me, but you didn't have the chance to help me. Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through the One who gives me strength."
#lifehacks #howtobehappy #whyamihere #JUGAAD #success
#contentment #purpose

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