Thursday, April 16, 2015

That was a long time ago, wasn't it?

Illustration by Robert P. Hernandez
That was decades ago, wasn't it,
When I learned that fear was my friend?

That was many, many moons ago, wasn't it,
When my hopes and dreams found their end?

That was an eternity ago, wasn't it,
When I couldn't tell a soul the naked truth?

That was forever ago, wasn't it,
When I struggled just to evade that wicked brute?

That was a coon’s age away, wasn't it,
When I couldn't didn’t dare to cry, or scream, or howl?

That was a long time ago, wasn't it,
When I gave up and threw in the towel?

That was eons ago, wasn't it,
When I begged to die, but knew I somehow woudn’t?

That was quite a while ago, wasn't it,
When I stopped keeping track because I couldn't?

That was a lifetime ago, wasn't it,
When I found a way to put the secrets in a box,
And hide them away for later years of regretting?

That was YEARS and YEARS ago, wasn't it,
When I knew that mere survival meant forgetting.

I am so different now, aren't I?
I tell myself I am, so I must be.
But what if I am not as different
As I tell myself I am?
What if I have only learned to shut it off?
The screams I could not scream,
The tears I could not cry,
The rage I could not express,
The darkness I could not explain,
The beginnings I could not prevent,
And the ends I could never understand.

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