Friday, February 18, 2011

Today's Communique

Doctor, shmocter . . . so being aware that something of importance is "going down" in the world around us tends to raise my blood pressure now and then.  I can take a pill for that. 
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the simple things in life.  My personal preference would be two slices of bread with a banana between, but hey, grapes isn't a *bad* idea . . .
Hey, don't knock low blood sugar.  It's not such a bad thing.  It means we get to eat more often, we eat more healthy food, and candy, shmandy . . . if it's not chocolate, why bother anyhow?
How do we really know that ANYTHING exists?  After all, we could all be plugged into some sort of alternative system such as portrayed in the movie the Matrix.  The question is, do you want the blue pill or the green pill?  Do you want fantasy or reality?  And, even more importantly, CAN YOU HANDLE REALITY? Hmmmm, I thought not . . . LMAO . . .
Here's a thought, maybe the vowels in "Old McDonald Had a Farm" are all the vowels from the Hebrew language that curiously seems to be missing . . . Nein, that's absolutely ridiculous . . . but so is the idea of forcing toddlers to eat mashed food that tastes like dog food.  Unless, of course, they LIKE the taste of dog food . . . or they're so hungry they'll eat ANYTHING . . . then, by all means, feed them whatever form of semi-edible mush you can find at your disposal.   But don't force feed them.  Feeding good.  Force feeding bad. Nuff said!
It may not be aliens that are coming.  It may that NOTHING is coming.  Can comic strips predict the future?  Highly doubtful.  But they can make the present more bearable by giving those of us who "get it" a chuckle now and then to distract us from the human suffering and other BS we see all around us on a daily basis.
Is America beyond saving?  I don't know.  Is there such a thing as "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" anymore?  I don't know.  But I do know that sometimes there comes a point in time where one just has to walk away from a situation that has become so utterly out of control that there doesn't seem to be any feasible, logical, or workable solution.  Does that mean that I'm giving up on EVERYTHING?  No.  Just on the people in my life who refuse to accept reality and the situations in my life that are beyond my control. 
Why is it that it's socially acceptable to take prescription anti-anxiety medications that are prescribed by doctors, but it's considered a faux paux to smoke cigarettes.  Granted, cigarettes cause cancer . . . but who's to say that taking Klonapin or Xanax for an extended won't cause cancer?  It's all about appearances . . . and all about whose pockets get padded.  You see, the almighty MDs don't get rich from folks smoke . . . oh WAIT, they DO . . . since it causes all sorts of health problems.  But they don't get the original co-pays from the office visits from all the poor souls who are simply so stressed out with their lives that they need just a little something to help them cope.  So write them out a script for Xanax or Klonapin . . . charge them $50 for the copay for the 25 second office visit, and then whack them another $25 each for the prescription copay when they pick their pills up at the pharmacy.  A pack of smokes is a helluva lot cheaper.  The question is, which  one (smoking or taking the pills my doctor prescribes) is more likely to land me in hell?
Yeah, my "stuff" goes AWOL all the time . . . like my mind.  Will "they" ever give it back to me?  My watch?  My Blackberry?  My clothes?  My dignity?  My basic human rights? They did hhave the common courtesy to return 2 of my scarves. Someday, I would seriously like to be introduced to this mysterious "they" so I could get some straight answers.  MAYBE. Then again, maybe the answers would be too much for me to handle.  Maybe it's better that I don't know.  Maybe ignorance IS bliss. But NOT knowing ain't all that much fun either.  I'm sick and tired of being a MUSHROOM (being fed BS and kept in the dark all the time).  It's time for the mutts to fight back.  We may not be thoroughbreds.  We may not be blue-bloods.  But goddammmit (please forgive me, Lord), we ARE PEOPLE WITH FEELINGS AND LIVES AND FAMILIES and we're sick and tired of being messed with. 

Deep cleansing breath ..... must be time to go watch a funny movie at the local movie theater and remind myself that all's right with this twisted world we live in.  And hug my kids . . . if I could.  Oh wait, I can't do that for 4 more days because I'm a human being that dared to express my human emotions in a public place.  Heaven forbid.  I will DEFINITELY make a concerted effort not to let THAT happen again!

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