Friday, February 11, 2011

I'll See You in the Funny Papers!

I've learned recently that one of the secrets to surviving in difficult situations is learning to laugh at what sometimes isn't funny.  Laughing decreases tension and releases endorphins (natural chemicals in your brain that help you feel better) -- and truthfully, it's often more socially acceptable to have yourself a quiet little chuckle than to curl up in a fetal position and ball your freaking eyes out.  Additionally, cartoons and comics have traditionally been a way for certain groups of people to communicate information.  So, in the spirit of that . . . here are my choices for today (February 11, 2011) . . .  See you in the funny papers!

Z's are important things.  Take good care of them.  I've been told there aren't too many genuine Z's left! And hey, who said being last was the worst.  Maybe the last is the best.  After all, I recall hearing something about "the first shall be last and the last shall be first" or something along those lines.   

Friends are like keys -- pretty tough to get through life without them.  Keep them close by!
The world has woken up.  It smells the coffee.  The question is, now what the hell do we do?

ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS save your receipts . . . it's like the 11th commandment!

If you can't learn from others' mistakes, you'd better at least be able to learn from your own.
In my case, sometimes it takes a great deal of mistakes before the whole "learning" thing takes place. 

Doesn't matter whether it's Mom, Dad, or Uncle Sam, sooner or later the truth will be made known.
Be sure your sin will find you out . . . so why DO we spend so much time talking about the weather?

A diploma is just a piece of paper that says you put in your time in an institution of some sort.  It doesn't prove that you actually learned anything.  I've known homeless bums with 3rd grade educations that had a better handle on life than the most highly-educated PhDs.  There's smart, and then there's "street smart."  And for most, to one degree or another, there is simply SURVIVAL . . . survival of the fittest . . . and in general, those who are "fit to survive" are the ones who can balance common sense with formal education. 

How come when people get stuck in a rotten situation they stand around waiting for someone to magically rescue them?  News flash people -- unless you have a filthy stinkin' rich family that can pay your way out of trouble, you better learn how to dig your own way out of the holes you get yourself into.  Lassie's pretty busy these days -- and not all that reliable anyhow!

  • Rule numero uno: You can't help anybody else until you help yourself.  So don't go throwing your shoulder out in your next snowball fight.  You might need that arm for something -- like giving a hurting person a hug!
  • Rule numero dos: Even counsellors need counselling.  Everybody has to have somebody to dump on.  That's what makes the world go around . . . that and money . . . and I suppose some people would say love . . . I say phooey to THAT!  Love, shmove . . .

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