Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Truth About Rape

It  doesn't  matter whether you're in your suburban bedroom or in the Congo.   Rape is rape.  Mutilation is mutilation.  Torture is torture. Being choked to unconsciousness feels the same no matter what side of the globe you're on.  Rape is the scraping of your soul via the stealing of your body.  Death is preferable. 

Soldiers have known for centuries that rape is cheaper than bullets.  How do you reduce a society to a cowering mass of robotic slaves? Rape them at will -- rape without thought.  Rape their men, women, and children.  Better yet, rape them then burn them alive and leave them for their family to see.  War is an ugly thing, and it always has been.  This is nothing new. 

What enrages me is that people are somewhat aware of the atrocities of war around the world, but seem unaware that a similar war is going on right within our own country.  Women are being transported to new locations against their will and forced into sexual slavery, with no hope of escape -- especially once they have children.  This is supposed to be America -- land of the free, home of the brave.  Free, we are not.  Brave, we try to be.

I cannot go "home."  I cannot care for or nurture my children.  I cannot prove the atrocities that were committed against me, nor do I have any particular desire to do so.  What do I want?  I want freedom for my sisters around the world, both here in the United States and abroad. 

In every country there are "forgotten people."  These are the hurting  people that you and I walk past every day without knowing what kind of hell they are going through at home.  I refuse to walk past them anymore.  I refuse to ignore the plight of the hurting.  I have no resources.  I cannot even save myself.  At this point, I cannot even tell my story. 

But the day will come, my sisters and brothers, when our stories will be heard.  The day will come when justice will be served.  It may not be this side of heaven, but some day these demons will pay for what they have done.

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